Saturday, September 15, 2018

'Twitter is run by SJWs!' said Jack Dorsey.

In a rare moment of candor, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, admits that the place is run by SJWs and his Conservative employees don't feel safe.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey — like his counterparts at Facebook and YouTube — has consistently said that his service isn't biased.
But the people who build Twitter are biased, Dorsey admitted in an interview last month, saying out loud what everyone already knew: Twitter, like most tech companies in Silicon Valley, has a lot more left-leaning employees than right-leaners.
Twitter is so liberal, in fact, that conservative employees "don't feel safe to express their opinions" within the company, Dorsey told NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen in a new interview published today on Recode Media.
"We have a lot of conservative-leaning folks in the company as well, and to be honest, they don't feel safe to express their opinions at the company," Dorsey said. "They do feel silenced by just the general swirl of what they perceive to be the broader percentage of leanings within the company, and I don't think that's fair or right."

Now, I'm going to have to translate one euphemism here. When he says Conservatives "don't feel safe to express their opinions," he's not talking about a Safe Space where people go to rage on about Trump. He's talking about an environment where people are terrified somebody will discover they voted for Trump. They are watching other people be drummed out for the sin of "not a team player" because their hobby is shooting, or hunting, or even fishing. (Fish have feelings too, you murderer!!!) Or somebody found a pic on-line of them at a Pro-Life rally, or somebody saw them walking into a church on Sunday morning. Or that they secretly listen to Rush Limbaugh on their phone.

"Do you believe in the Virgin Mary, Private Joker?" is a Silicon Valley interview question these days. You are supposed to jump up and say SIR! NO SIR!!! while standing at attention.

What would posses Jack Dorsey to say such a thing?
Dorsey also explained why he brought up Twitter's left-leaning employee bias to begin with.
"I think it's more and more important to at least clarify what our own bias leans towards, and just express it," he added. "I'd rather know what someone biases to rather than try to interpret through their actions."

I'm going to translate that one too. It means there's a ton of SJWs at all levels of the company, steadily working to purge all traces of Conservatism from the organization, and he can't do anything about it. Otherwise he'd keep pretending everything is super hunky-dory peace love and smoking weed, man.

Now, avid readers may recall this post about Bonnie McDaniel, wherein we learned that The Phantom, by virtue of being willing to let people talk, was in fact stifling free speech. (I know, right?) She said something interesting:

"As the saying goes, "The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.""

Meaning that if somebody says something Wrongspeak, such as "We're going fishing this weekend," it is not enough to walk past muttering "what an asshole!" to yourself and then stab them in the back later. No, the standard is that you must confront them and tell them off right then. You must scream "Fish have feelings too, you murderer!" at them, right there in the hallway, and hit them with a pamphlet from PETA. Otherwise, everyone else will know that you are a fish murdering Fascist too.

So really, Dorsey isn't saying that he's resolute about stamping out political bias at Twitter Inc. He's not declaring support for free speech, and telling all the Conservatives its safe to come out now. He's admitting there's a Reign of Terror and saying the guillotine is open for business.

Intelligent individuals will begin polishing their resumes now. Good idea to have a parachute ready for when the company rolls hard left and dives for the ground in flames.

The Phantom

Update: Google founders on video calling Trump voters "fascists."

Upperdate: Welcome Instapundit flying monkeys!Thanks for the linkage Sarah!


GlobalTrvlr said...

"I'm going to translate that one too. It means there's a ton of SJWs at all levels of the company, steadily working to purge all traces of Conservatism from the organization, and he can't do anything about it. Otherwise he'd keep pretending everything is super hunky-dory peace love and smoking weed, man."

I think the interpretation is "Come on out, conservative, self identify, it's OK. (Easier to identify and purge).

jcz said...

Let a hundred flowers bloom...

The Phantom said...

Welcome y'all flying monkeys!

I think Dorsey is like a lot of tech guys, he's not all that political. He's genuinely concerned by the treatment of people inside his company, from what he said.

I look at that statement, and it says two things to me. First, there is serious and active discrimination against Conservatives inside the company. He knows it, and he is letting the whole company know he doesn't like it.
Second, he's letting the Conservatives know nothing is going to change, so they better stay in that closet and shut up. Cultural imperatives are at work, he can't stop it.