Monday, December 30, 2019

Daily Mirror celebrates "Trans" birth.

Saw this headline:

Transgender man gives birth to non-binary partner's baby with female sperm donor

Which pretty much encapsulates the entire "trans" movement. Its cosplay. This is the proof that its cosplay.

Which is what JK Rowling said the other day, and got shirt-stormed for it.

When "men" start having babies fathered by "women" the thing starts to unravel a bit.


Zsuzsa said...

Assuming that I'm parsing this correctly, a woman gave birth to a child fathered by some random sperm donor. There's also a random other individual who's considered the woman's partner but doesn't actually have anything to do with this biologically speaking.

Do I have that right?

The Phantom said...

Close enough for government work.

The baby will no doubt have a perfectly normal childhood and go on to become a normal adult. For sure.