Wednesday, July 17, 2019

More girls on the bench in New Zealand

The headline says it all:

Transgender weightlifter wins two gold medals in women's competition

Actual woman who competed gets silver, and told to shut up.
In second place was Samoa's 18-year-old weightlifter Feagaiga Stowers, who won her nation's second gold medal last year after Hubbard was forced to withdraw due to an elbow injury.
Humanity is a sexually dimorphic species. Males are bigger and stronger than females. That's how it is. Politics does not change that, any more than Canute could order back the tides.

As people who used to be men increasingly compete in these sporting events, women will increasingly remain in the also-ran category. For a while anyway, until they become angry.

The correct course of action would be to create a special category, and let trans compete against each other. But that is not what's being done, because politics.

The other course of action is rebellion. Women athletes refuse to compete with them, and let the chips fall where they may. I expect that's where we're going to end up, and probably soon.

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