Saturday, January 09, 2021

RIP Kathy Shaidle, a mighty warrior falls.

 As reported at Blazing Cat Fur, Kathy Shaidle died today. She died of cancer in hospice.

Her farewell blog post is typical Kathy, which I love. 

"Her tombstone reads: GET OFF MY LAWN! She is relieved she won’t have to update her LinkedIn profile, shave her legs, or hear “Creep” by Radiohead ever again. Some may even be jealous that she’s getting out of enduring a Biden presidency."

I hope her tombstone really does say get off my lawn. That would be perfectly her.

I never met her in Real Life, but she was always kind and hilarious when we talked by email. And -smart-. So impressive.

Kathy is now standing in front of the Pearly Gates arguing with St. Peter and telling the guardian angels off. Go Kathy go!

My sincere condolences to Arnie and the rest of Team Kathy. There's nothing to say about it, except I'm sorry this happened to her, and to you. 

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