Wednesday, September 11, 2019

September 11th. Did you forget?

Twin Towers on Sept. 11th 2001 from the ISS.

It is easy to forget about these kinds of things. I forgot. I was reminded by friends this morning, who posted their reminders.

Its been 18 years. The people who did this are dead. Osama Bin Laden is dead. I should feel better, right?

I saw this as it was happening on television. I sat the whole day and watched people deal with this atrocity. They did well. They were magnificent.

Its important to remember two things. First, there is evil in the world. People will try to do things like this, out of hate. Second, the evil is small and out numbered. For every hate-filled lunatic there are a million good people.

Walk with your eyes open and your heads up, my friends.

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