Thursday, April 28, 2022

Elon: I'm buying Twitter! DHS: hold my beer...

Amid the wasteland of fucking stupidity that is the media lately, there arose a ray of sunshine. Elon Musk bought Twitter earlier this week. Two things happened immediately: the Wokesters who work for Twitter went nuts with the screaming and the crying all over the place, and Twitter Inc. announced it was "locking its code" to make sure the insane employees didn't destroy everything. Kinda interesting.

So, yesterday it was revealed on a lot of Conservative sites that they have suddenly picked up tens of thousands of Twitter followers. Lots of blue-checkmark liberals have lost tens of thousands of subscribers. Meaning that Twitter did not have its thumb on the scale all this time, they had both feet on there. I will speculate that Google, Amazon and Farcebook could possibly, maybe, could be have done the same. Y'know. Maybe. Just sayin'.

So today, it is revealed that there will be a  Department of Homeland Security (DHS) "Disinformation Governance Board"

It would appear, if one were of a suspicious nature, that the US DHS is extremely determined to see that the DemocRats don't get wiped out in November. If they lose their loyal blue checkmarks, they might face more than just a lost election. Given Hunter Biden's laptop, y'know. Just sayin'.


Mary Catelli said...

They might as well say "MiniTru." Everyone's saying it anyway.

I mean "Goverance"? Even Newspeak didn't manage to WAFFLE like that.

Jonathan H said...

They have basically said publicly that Congress won't pass a law, so they're going to do it anyway...

The Phantom said...

Greetings lady and gentleman. ~:D

The deep state appears -terrified- of free speech. Almost as if they were hiding something...

I've been calling it the Ministry of Truth for a while now, that's what it is, after all. I think perhaps Orwell was on the right track with his Newspeak, he just couldn't imagine the power of the Left to top themselves with every greater piles of horse shit, and he didn't foresee they'd all become illiterate.

I mean, "Department of Homeland Security" is already disturbingly Newspeak, but "Disinformation Governance Board"? They govern the official production of disinformation?