Friday, May 21, 2021

Ivermectin turns WuFlu around in India, home of the Double Mutant Strain Of Doom

Graphs are funny things. When you see a graph with a steep upward trend, that's a big deal. Something is growing. Likewise a steep downward trend, something is shrinking.

The media lately is pretty funny too. When it comes to the WuFlu, they only notice upward trends. The steeper the line, the more they notice it. When something goes down, that they don't really bother with so much.

Case in point, India. Remember three weeks ago when India was going to become a barren wasteland of WuFlu victims? The Double Mutant Indian Strain was going to come and kill everybody? Remember that? Steep upward curve on that graph. But this week there is an equally steep downward curve, and you don't hear about that on CNN, do you?

Yeah. Big spike on the right there, and then they did something and WuFlu fell off a cliff. And you, ladies and gentlemen, did not hear squat about it.

Because for whatever reason, the public health apparatus in Canada, Europe and the USA would very much like to keep pretending that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin don't treat WuFlu. Even though they obviously do, and quite successfully. It's hard to deny that chart showing the dreaded Indian Double Mutant Strain falling off a cliff there as soon as they got their Ivermectin distribution going.

Just like they would very much like to pretend wearing a mask prevents the spread of WuFlu, and lockdowns prevent WuFlu, when there are plenty of charts out there showing they clearly don't. (Yeah, the dentist mask? It's not protecting you. N-95 at a bare minimum to filter out the WuFlu. The dentist mask is good for maybe 10% at best, assuming you wear it right.)

Just like they would prefer if you didn't call it WuFlu, or the KungFlu, or the Chinese Flu. But it's totally okay for them to say Indian Double Mutant strain, right? Because reasons.

Now, for you Canadian readers, you've heard the fuss about Bill C-10, the SHUT UP! bill from the Liberal Party of Canada. This blog post is exactly the type of thing that C-10 is meant to curb. They'll try to charge me money for posting that graph there, or they'll simply ban JoNova's blog from Canada so I won't have access to the graph.

Okay? That's where we are right now, May 21st 2020. Now get back to work, you've got taxes to pay.

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