Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Best resignation letter ever: Bari Weiss quits the NY Times

Of all the jobs I've quit in disgust over the years, and there have been many, I've never written a letter as awesome as this. It is the Queen of all "I Quit!" letters.

But the lessons that ought to have followed the election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this [NY Times] paper: that truth isn't a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else.

Oh yas your Majesty! Testify!

It's a thing of beauty, I just had to share. ~:D


OvergrownHobbit said...

I watched David Wood read part of it.

I remain unimpressed. Where was she during all the long years as the small town bakers, the head of Mozilla, Milo Yiannopolis, Owen Benjamin and all the rest were shut down?

Where was she as all the leading lights of her community from Matt Lauer to Weinstein, and more committed actual crimes; DID things wrong rather than merely said them (and that's assuming calling transgender activism w/4 year old "child abuse" is wrong)

She remembers a time when the lies and the censorship didn't affect HER personally, because her opinions were still outside the borders of ThoughtCrime.

Bah. If she ever repents, and offers amnends, I might have some respect for her.

The Phantom said...

In all honesty, I don't have much -sympathy- for Bari Weiss. She worked in the heart of SJW Central, she never had much respect for Conservatives or conservative causes, and so forth. Typical clueless NY liberal. I've butted heads with dozens of women like this over gun control, every one of them was as thick as a brick. In 30 years I've never seen a liberal female moved by facts. Ever. This is one of them.

What I thought was so good here was the illumination of truth. This is a woman who really thought that the New York Times was a force for good, a source of justice for the oppressed, or even a collegial and professional news organization. The letter is the revelation of corruption, as the scales fell from her eyes and she really SAW what was going on. She said: "Holy f-, it's World War Two and I'm working for the f-ing Nazis."

Aka the most epic red-pilling to date. Worth reading the whole letter, because it is -eloquent-. The woman is smart, and she can write. Mr. Sulzberger just took a torpedo below the waterline with this one. You can tell by the damage control in the media.

Like an awful lot of people I know, her faith in Big Brother was previously unshakeable. It took her co-workers calling her a -Nazi- for three years to wake her up. Her, a New York liberal and a Jew, who never had a racist or fascist impulse in her life most likely. That seems to have pissed her off something awful.

There is no hawk so fierce as a dove who's been mugged. I hope she sues them for a billion dollars.