Thursday, March 28, 2019

Europe will Big Brother your car by 2022.

This is really quite amazing. New European Union proposal, on track to become law, aims to have full control over cars produced in 2022 and after.

EU leaders on Monday agreed that every car, van, truck, and bus should be fitted with a feature called "Intelligent Speed Assistance" designed to slow them down if they go too fast.
The software uses a combination of GPS, sign-recognition cameras, and advanced map software to pinpoint a vehicle's location and the local speed limit. The software is designed to automatically slow down vehicles found to break the limit.
Drivers would be able to override the software by pushing hard on the accelerator.
The plans, set out by the European Commission in May, were signed off on by politicians from EU countries in the European Parliament and European Commission on Monday night.
Vehicles under the proposal would also be required to have "Automated Emergency Braking" – designed to detect pedestrians and cyclists and brake accordingly.
The proposal also includes a rule meant to make it harder to drink and drive.
The proposal would make it easier to retroactively add a built-in alcohol breathalyzer, called an alcohol interlock device, which won't let a car start until the driver has blown into it.
The proposed changes also include the addition of onboard "Electronic Data Recorders" meant to track data in the moments before a crash. The EU hopes this would make it easier to work out why crashes occur.

For the math challenged, 2022 is not the remote future. It is THREE FREAKING YEARS from now.

So, to recap: The EU will make all new cars have all the drawbacks of a self-driving car with none of the benefits, they are setting up for pay-by-the-mile taxation, they are setting up for breathalizer inside your car, remote-served traffic tickets, and on-command disabling of all the vehicles in Europe.

All this at a time when Frenchmen in yellow vests are burning shops in Paris over a fuel tax, and have been for six months.

You add gun control and all the other crazy shit they've been pushing since the 1960s, and it begins to look like they have something really unpleasant planned.

The Phantom

Update: Yes, this technology does already exist and it is already deployed. Tesla. Like I said.

Tesla vehicles sent to the junk yard after a crash carry much more data than you'd think. According to CNBC, citing two security researchers, "Computers on Tesla vehicles keep everything that drivers have voluntarily stored on their cars, plus tons of other information generated by the vehicles including video, location and navigational data showing exactly what happened leading up to a crash."
The European Union proposes to make this mandatory for ALL cars. Plus the speed control thing, which I'm sure will lead to a ton of car crashes.

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