Friday, June 28, 2024

Trump/#Brandon debate in a nutshell.

Dana Bash signals #Brandon who he should be looking at. That's the most perfect encapsulation of this wretched farce I've seen. 

I am beyond disgusted today. This plastic banana has been propped up in that office since 2020. What the actual fuck.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


The blazing red Liberal riding of Toronto-St. Paul, the very heart of darkness, housing the absolute highest concentration of the absolute dumbest fucktard Liberals in the entire nation... is now a Conservative seat.

The Normies have awoken.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bro was out in 8 hours on $2,500 bail.

Just in case you were wondering what's going on in the Greater Toronto Area, here's a sample.

Bro was irritated, it seems.

Long story short, bro was slashing at the guy with the camera, with a knife. Took several good swipes, stabbing grip. The video went viral, and bro got nabbed by the cops. Red shirt guy also arrested, also released.

And then released on a $2,500 bond, yes you read that right two thousand five hundred, the same day.

Also, Mr. Slashy there has TWO PREVIOUS BONDS against him, this was not his first rodeo.

Okay? That's what's up, Canada. Just thought you ought to know.