Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Wednesday, November 06, 2024

Thank God.

It was a real nail biter.

#OrangeManBad beat the steal in an historic win. I am so relieved I can't even tell you.

Next up, Canada throws off the Chinese Communist yoke and ditches the #ShinyPony. Incoming in 3, 2, ...

Looking north, toward Ottawa...

Wednesday, September 11, 2024



The one guy fighting for those who died on 9/11.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

NaNoWriMo loves AI tools? Are you kidding me?

Actual robot, actually writing.

NaNoWriMo is in the news again, and not in a good way. Again.

The organization behind National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is being slammed online after it claimed that opposing the use of AI writing tools is "classist and ableist."

Not content to rest on their child-grooming laurels, NaNoWriMo has decided to piss off the writing community more by not only allowing AI tools to be used but releasing a statement that not allowing AI tools is double-plus ungood. From their statement:

We believe that to categorically condemn AI would be to ignore classist and ableist issues surrounding the use of the technology, and that questions around the use of AI tie to questions around privilege. 
  • Classism. Not all writers have the financial ability to hire humans to help at certain phases of their writing. For some writers, the decision to use AI is a practical, not an ideological, one. The financial ability to engage a human for feedback and review assumes a level of privilege that not all community members possess.
  • Ableism. Not all brains have same abilities and not all writers function at the same level of education or proficiency in the language in which they are writing. Some brains and ability levels require outside help or accommodations to achieve certain goals. The notion that all writers "should" be able to perform certain functions independently or is a position that we disagree with wholeheartedly. There is a wealth of reasons why individuals can't "see" the issues in their writing without help. 
  • General Access Issues. All of these considerations exist within a larger system in which writers don't always have equal access to resources along the chain. For example, underrepresented minorities are less likely to be offered traditional publishing contracts, which places some, by default, into the indie author space, which inequitably creates upfront cost burdens that authors who do not suffer from systemic discrimination may have to incur.
Now, leaving aside the leftist balderdash about "upfront cost burdens" and "abelism" (which I'm sorry Lefties is not a freaking word), the oh-so-moral people at NaNoWriMostudiously ignore the sad truth that getting ChatGPT to barf out a bunch of paragraphs for you is not writing.
NaNo is supposed to be a writing contest. Where you -write-.

Arguably AI is techno-assisted plagiarism, and I do not appreciate the various tech companies scraping my books on Amazon for fodder to feed their large language models. Given AIs are used in professional environments to make money, I'd appreciate a tiny pittance of recompense for my contribution to their profits, thank you very much. Absent them paying me for what I've done, I'm against it. Because it's stealing. For the Leftists out there who need things spelled out, stealing is bad.

Apart from the unpaid plagiarism, given the realities of publishing these days I'm not against the use of AI tools in a professional environment. You need fast research, you need 1500 words about corsets and you know you'll never get more than ten bucks for it, AI is your friend. You need a book cover and you know your book is never going to make more than a hundred bucks, Photoshop and AI generative fill all the way, baby. Money is money. I use it for covers, I'm not going to pretend otherwise.

But for a writing contest? This is the same thing as using an e-bike in a bicycle race vs. riding it to work. Fine, it isn't against the rules, but did you really compete? Or did the bike compete and you just sat on it and waved to the spectators? A stupid concept, in my humble opinion, and I speculate that it could be cover for some financial kickback or other skulduggery. A pox upon them, and all their houses.

For the Usual Suspects, this is a different issue than the ridiculous conduct of the Dragon Awards. You can't ret-con rules and quietly disqualify nominees because somebody made a fuss about AI, and most particularly you can't do it under cover of darkness, by stealth. One of these things is not like the other, you Commie pukes.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day after: questions.

Yesterday, as we all know by now, one 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, PA missed killing Donald Trump by maybe a quarter inch. Given what we've seen from the videos, and there's a literal photo of the bullet flying past him, another quarter inch to the left would have killed him. No need to go into gory details, I'll just leave it at that.

Leaving us all with some questions.

My first question, at what point does official incompetence become something more sinister? We already know eye-witnesses told police Crooks was on that roof easily two to three minutes before he took the shot. We already have pictures of him lying there lining up his shot, being given all the time in the world, only 150yards from the podium. How is that reasonable? Are they really that lame?

No, they're not. This is a special case, IMHO sitting here behind my keyboard with my gatorade. They can't be that lame by accident, is my thought. Somebody degraded Trump's Secret Service detail, and somebody did a bunch of site planning to get Crooks on that roof. He didn't stumble on the idea while driving by with a ladder and a rifle in his truck. Maybe Crooks planned it himself, but does that seem likely?

My second question, at what point do we all admit that this is a Leftist political policy? They've been demonizing Trump since 2016, they did it to Bush Sr. and Jr., they did it to Regan. The media has been trying to brainwash Thomas Matthew Crooks and every other 20 year old in the country SINCE THE 1980s!!!! And now here we are. There's a bunch more like him out there, primed and ready to pop. All you have to do is watch tiktok today, they're screaming it. Hundreds of them. It's a fucking social movement by now, not a lone-wolf deal.

Final question, well, you missed boys. What's next? Whatcha gonna do? Send some more useful idiots to whack the Republican presidential nominee? Release the hounds to burn some cars? I don't think you're winning this time. Joke's over.

Fire up the corporate jets and flee, is my advice. Cuba is nice, or so I hear. Decent beaches, right? Di di mau, baby.

Uppitydate: Here we are on the 17th, and it seems the shooter was fucking around with that rifle on the roof for quite some time in plain view of everybody. I heard one estimate that it was over 20 minutes. Certainly more than five.

What this means is that Trump's security detail LEFT HIM OUT THERE for a long time when they could plainly see a guy on that roof where he was not supposed to be. Okay, they didn't want to shoot the guy, but they couldn't get Trump off the stage? Shooter on the roof, in plain fucking sight, of everybody, and they left their guy standing on the stage like a perfect target?

There was time for a cop to RUN over to Trump and get him off the stage. Like, lots of time. Time for a coffee and a donut, and the fat guy could still run over.

Just looking at that, I'm going to say that somebody needs to go to jail here. Starting with the site commander, and whoever gave that moron the job.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

from the "Military Intelligence is a contradiction" files: German Navy seeks replacement for 8" floppy drives.

In case anyone ever wonders how bad tempered, militant, conservative-minded, traditionalist Phantom came to hate the Canadian military at age 17, and continues to hold the world-wide military as a whole in contempt to this day, an example.

The German Navy is searching for a new storage system to replace the aging 8-inch (20cm) floppy disks which are vital to the running of its Brandenburg class F123 frigates. According to an official tender document, the ideal answer to the German Navy's problems would be a drop-in floppy disk replacement based upon a storage emulation system, reports Germany's Brandenburg class F123 frigates were commissioned in the mid 1990s, so it is understandable that floppy disks were seen as a handy removable storage medium. These drives are part of the frigates' data acquisition system and, thus "central to controlling basic ship functions such as propulsion and power generation," according to the source report.

A tiny bit of background for those of you under 60, the eight inch floppy disk (8") was current computer technology in the 1970s. Introduced for mini-computers in 1971 by IBM, carried 500K of data, and it was popular. Eventually discontinued in favor of the 5.25" and later the 3-1/2", by the 1980s just in time for PCs. Here's a website that some guy put up about playing with 8" drives.

So the German fricking navy standardized on 8" floppies in the late 1970s and never changed it for 50 years? Oh no. It is -much- worse than that.

Germany's Brandenburg class F123 frigates were commissioned in the mid 1990s, so it is understandable that floppy disks were seen as a handy removable storage medium. These drives are part of the frigates' data acquisition system and, thus "central to controlling basic ship functions such as propulsion and power generation," according to the source report.

Their frigates were built in the 1990s with tech from the 1970s that was already wildly, horribly obsolete. For which spare parts have not been made for 30 years, because they were already past end-of-life when the ship was built. Every computer on that boat, taken together, could be replaced with a single Apple iWatch. You could run the whole thing from your phone, and still be able to watch cat videos on YouTube.

But the worst part is that for-sure the engineers all knew that very well when the thing was built, and they fucking well did it anyway.

Later in the article it is revealed that the American Strategic Air Command system ran on 8" floppies until they finally fixed it in 2019. You know, the guys that babysit the nukes? Yeah.

I can only imagine the shit that's lurking in the Canadian military, still running on IBM and DEC big iron boxes from the 1970s.

And that, my friends, is why I hold the Western military as a whole in contempt. They are lazy, short-sighted, corrupt, and above all, they are stupid. I can only imagine the freak show that the Chinese and Russian military is.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Trump/#Brandon debate in a nutshell.

Dana Bash signals #Brandon who he should be looking at. That's the most perfect encapsulation of this wretched farce I've seen. 

I am beyond disgusted today. This plastic banana has been propped up in that office since 2020. What the actual fuck.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


The blazing red Liberal riding of Toronto-St. Paul, the very heart of darkness, housing the absolute highest concentration of the absolute dumbest fucktard Liberals in the entire nation... is now a Conservative seat.

The Normies have awoken.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bro was out in 8 hours on $2,500 bail.

Just in case you were wondering what's going on in the Greater Toronto Area, here's a sample.

Bro was irritated, it seems.

Long story short, bro was slashing at the guy with the camera, with a knife. Took several good swipes, stabbing grip. The video went viral, and bro got nabbed by the cops. Red shirt guy also arrested, also released.

And then released on a $2,500 bond, yes you read that right two thousand five hundred, the same day.

Also, Mr. Slashy there has TWO PREVIOUS BONDS against him, this was not his first rodeo.

Okay? That's what's up, Canada. Just thought you ought to know.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Here's what's wrong with Canada. I know you were wondering.

If you want to know what's wrong with Canada, I've got the whole thing in a nutshell right here.

Canadian systems builder 45 Drives is perhaps best known for the dense multi-drive storage systems employed by the likes of Backblaze and others, but over the last year the biz has expanded its line-up to virtualization kit, and now low-power clients and workstations aimed at enterprises and home enthusiasts alike. 45 Drives' Home Client marks a departure from the relatively large rack-mount chassis it normally builds. Founder Doug Milburn told The Register the mini PC is something of a passion project that was born out of a desire to build a better home theater PC.

Housed within a custom passively cooled chassis built in-house by 45 Drive's parent company Protocase, is a quad-core, non-hyperthreaded Intel Alder Lake-generation N97 processor capable of boosting to 3.6GHz, your choice of either 8GB or 16GB of memory, and 250GB of flash storage. The decision to go with a 12-gen N-series was motivated in part by 45 Drives' internal workloads, Milburn explains, adding that to run PowerPoint or Salesforce just doesn't require that much horsepower. However, 45 Drives doesn't just see this as a low-power PC. Despite its name, the box will be sold under both its enterprise and home brands. In home lab environments, these small form factor x86 and Arm PCs have become incredibly popular for everything from lightweight virtualization and container hosts to firewalls and routers.

Here's an example of Home Client, their really sweet home theatre/NAS/router appliance.

The Home Client is a Linux-based, small-form-factor personal computer by 45HomeLab (not primarily a storage device).
The Home Client is a single-board-computer-based device, with a pre-installed Linux operating system. It has an extremely small footprint, making it perfect to stick on a TV stand or fit onto a desk. It is fanless, so it will remain quiet and unobtrusive while staying in a sleek, small-form-factor low profile.The Home Client is built in North America with an aerospace-grade aluminum milled chassis.
We see the Home Client as functioning best in virtualized environments, where it can stream applications from your lab. It can also be great for light office work, streaming, and other similar applications. But it is completely open, so it is up to you to make whatever use of it that fits best into your home environment.

Very nice indeed. Canadian made, by (one presumes) Canadians.

The problem? It's $800 bucks. Competing single-board, low power competitors? The first one I looked up with the same motherboard, ~$200 bucks. I'm sure there are many more that are cheaper.

There you go. Not double the price. FOUR TIMES the price.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what's wrong with Canada.

Oh, and why is it four times the price? Because regulation, tax, tax, tax, tax and tax, and also every input from labor to fuel to electricity is four times higher than it ought to be because of regulation, tax, tax, tax, tax and tax,and of course real estate costs. Which are much more than 4x what it ought to be.

Prediction, nobody is going to pay $800 bucks for a $200 headless compute appliance. They're just not going to do it. Except the government. If they make friends in the Liberal Party, government offices might standardize on these things and then 45 Drives might very well make some money on this thing.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

And now, a knife license. In Calgary, no less.

We used to make this knife license joke 30 years ago every time somebody said "gun license." I blame us for that, we couldn't understand we weren't dealing with rational human beings.

From the article, their "reasoning."

"What's happening here is very alarming," said Ashley Salvador, councillor for Ward Métis during an urban planning committee meeting on Tuesday."As we heard today, you walk in, and right next to the chocolate bars is a wall of knives that are designed for harm," said Ashley Salvador, councillor for Ward Métis.

Because "a wall of knives that are designed for harm" needs a picture to go with it.



Bryan LaFleche, president of Crystal Kids Youth Centre also spoke at the meeting to express how prevalent knives, as well UnWTas brass knuckles and bear spray have become amongst the kids at the centre, which they have to confiscate regularly. "When we ask them: 'Why are you carrying a knife? Why are you carrying bear spray?' The answer every single time is 'it's for protection'," LaFleche told the committee. "Our great fear with that is when an 11-year-old child pulls a six-inch knife out of his knapsack and says 'I need this for protection,' we spend hours trying to convince them that that knife affords them absolutely no protection."
It's funny how kids can tell when they're being lied to, eh?
Then in literally the next breath:

Allan Bolstad with the Alberta Avenue Community League purchased several knives at a convenience store on 118th Avenue to present the committee with a slideshow illustrating the intended purpose of the knives being sold. "When you hold these knives, when you actually have them in your hand, you realize how lethal that they are, and that they're designed for one thing and that's for hurting someone badly, or killing someone," said Bolstad.  "These aren't for buttering toast. They're for trying to kill someone." Bolstad suggested the city create a separate business licence for stores looking to sell   knives, akin to the one currently in place for selling firearms.

So, depending which side of their mouths they're talking out of, either a knife provides "absolutely no protection" or they are "lethal." Palpably lethal, according to Mr. Allan Bolstad. You just pick it up and you can feeeeeel how it was made to kill somebody.

Here's a picture of Mr. Allan Bolstad. Scroll all the way down to the bottom. As it says in the article, he'd also like to license builders and so forth. Because nothing on this Earth should be allowed to move or sit still without a license. You can see how he looks like the kind of guy who would think something like that. 
Here's another one, with him posing heroically in front of what was probably a business once, driven under by socialists.
Mr. Bolstad, keeping weed-grown lots vacant in Alberta!

Because there oughta be a law. Right? Keep them lots vacant, Allan.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Real-life "chemtrails".

 Once again, one of those gap-tooth hillbilly redneck tinfoil hat nutter conspiracies... is actually being done.


Remember when we thought this was fake?

 Aboard the deck of a World War II-era aircraft carrier, University of Washington scientists flicked the switch on a glorified snow-making machine," reports the Seattle Times. They describe the scientists "blasting a plume of saline spray off the coast of Alameda, California... trying to perfect a shot of salty particles that would make clouds better at reflecting sunlight back toward space, and help cool the Earth.

"It's called marine cloud brightening." Compressed air was pumped at hundreds of pounds per square inch through a nozzle full of a salty mix with a similar composition to seawater housed in an apparatus similar to a snow-making machine. The New York Times reported the machine produced a deafening hiss, releasing a fine mist that traveled hundreds of feet through the air. The scientists wanted to see if the machine could generate a consistent spray of the right size salt aerosols, taking samples downwind with instruments mounted on scissor lifts, commonly used in construction.
"This study is not yet large enough to affect local weather," the article points out. Yet "the idea of interfering with nature is so contentious, organizers of Tuesday's test kept the details tightly held, concerned that critics would try to stop them," reported the New York Times.

 Yes, real-life chemtrails, that fruitbat crazy conspiracy theory from the 90s.

Done in secret, no less.

So now I need to go back and reconsider laughing at David Icke and his lizard people.

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

US Federal judge rules -illegal- immigrants have gun rights.

Judge Coleman, a Barack Obama appointee, initially found the gun ban for illegal immigrants was constitutional back in April 2022. However, she agreed to reconsider the case in light of rulings from the federal appeals courts in the Third and Seventh Circuit that questioned whether those convicted of non-violent crimes could be permanently disarmed after the High Court handed down Bruen in June 2022. She concluded breaking misdemeanor immigration laws alone is not enough justification to strip somebody of their gun rights under the new test.
"[C]arbajal-Flores has never been convicted of a felony, a violent crime, or a crime involving the use of a weapon. Even in the present case, Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property during a time of documented civil unrest in the Spring of 2020," Judge Coleman wrote. "Additionally, Pretrial Service has confirmed that Carbajal-Flores has consistently adhered to and fulfilled all the stipulated conditions of his release, is gainfully employed, and has no new arrests or outstanding warrants."

Yes friends, a liberal judge, appointed by the Lightbringer himself, read the Second Amendment to the US Constitution and understood what it said. Yes, she ruled it is unconstitutional to bar a man from owning a firearm because of immigration status or because of a misdemeanor court conviction.

Because it IS unconstitutional, obviously. This is not rocket surgery. It says so right on the fucking paper. "...shall not be infringed..." is pretty final.

Now, do I think this judgement was arrived at honestly? Absolutely not. This is shenanigans, for sure.

But I don't care, because it will bring about the end of the DemocRat disarmament campaign, and their invasion plans as well. Because if an illegal immigrant has the right to have and carry a firearm, can the government say 'no' to legal immigrants and citizens? Uh uh.

And all those immigrants flooding the border, are they going to keep coming when shit starts to get real in places like NYC and Chicago? No they're not. Because the party will be over. They'll come to CANADA instead.

Going to be popcorn time watching the Shiny Pony crowd dealing with this. Guns are going to be -flooding- into Toronto. Flooding. Containers-full will arrive from the USA across the Indian reservations. Scumbags will be selling Fentanyl and Glocks on the street corner instead of just Fentanyl.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Metro Toronto Police: huddle and cower, peasants.

I am not making this up. Metro Toronto Police have issued a statement advising homeowners to "leave their car keys by the front door" so that car thieves can take them and go when they break in.

This is because there are car thieves armed with guns, kicking in people's front doors and SHOOTING THEM to get the car keys and steal the car in the driveway.

To repeat, MTO suggests you leave the keys handy so the ARMED CRIMINALS won't kill you in your home. Because they would never stick around for a little rape-and-murder action if you give them the car, right? That could never happen, I'm sure.

It isn't like the federal government has allowed over a million unvetted refugees from violent failed states into Canada over the last year or so, and it isn't like the cops function as catch-and-release fishermen these days. Oh, wait...

In other news, suburban homes in and around Ancaster, sleepy town outside Hamilton, have begun sporting iron fences around the front yard, with gates across their driveways.

Just wondering how long the Normies are going to be able to pretend everything is fine. I'm thinking the third time they get mugged/have their car stolen they'll probably wake up. Once is an accident, twice is happenstance, three times is enemy action, right?

Update: Anybody remember Peter Khill? Supreme Court of Canada put him in jail after he was acquitted by a jury for the crime of shooting an Indian in self-defense.

Uppitydate: Anybody remember Ian Thompson? Charged with two counts of "unsafe storage of a firearm" after running off FOUR armed men who were firebombing his house. 
Uppity-upperdate: Now they're just trolling us. Out in 8 hours, folks.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Apple cancels the Apple Car.

The destruction of the electric car fad accelerates! This time, Apple has very quietly cancelled all work on its Apple electric car.
It's dead, Tim.


The decision to ultimately wind down the project is a bombshell for the company, ending a multibillion-dollar effort that would have vaulted Apple into a whole new industry. The tech giant started working on a car around 2014, setting its sights on a fully autonomous electric vehicle with a limousine-like interior and voice-guided navigation. But the project struggled nearly from the start, with Apple changing the team's leadership and strategy several times. Lynch and Williams took over the undertaking a few years ago -- following the departure of Doug Field, now a senior executive at Ford Motor.

Note that they mentioned Ford, which has stopped shipping the electric F-150, and a couple of weeks ago cancelled a $12 billion expansion into... electric cars. General Motors has also cut back hard on electric car plans recently. Toyota never had any electric plans, they dodged the whole thing and saved themselves a ton of money.

This good news of course makes me suspicious. Nothing good ever happens these days.

Did all these guys look into their crystal balls and see a looming bankruptcy that was previously invisible? Did they all suddenly understand what power engineers, town planners, car guys, car dealerships, rental companies, and literally everybody with two functioning synapses to rub together, has been telling them since Tesla started? Really? All of them? Right now?

What changed between February 2023 and February 2024? Last year it was full power forward on electrics and self-driving cars. Billions were being spent, billions more were being promised. There was going to be an EV in every driveway by 2035, baby. The Canadian government has gone so far as to -mandate- that there will be only EVs sold after 2035 here in Canuckistan. No more gas guzzlers for you, Great White North. Nothing about government rhetoric has changed. They are all-in on transition to EVs. It is a done-deal.

Except that all the big car companies bailed, and now Apple, literally the biggest tech company in the world, has bailed.

It makes me wonder if the US government made a phone call and told them all that the discounts, tax breaks and special deals were off the table. That would explain it better than assuming all those companies suddenly understood that EVs suck. They knew that already. They were going ahead, knowing that nobody wants EVs, nobody likes EVs, and nobody is going to buy EVs.

Why would the US government make that phone call? Hmm?

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

No more roads for Canada.

Environment Canada approved.


"Our government has made the decision to stop investing in new road infrastructure," said Guilbeault, who represents the Quebec riding of Laurier-Sainte-Marie. "Of course, we will continue to be there for cities, provinces and territories to maintain the existing network, but there will be no more envelopes from the federal government to enlarge the road network.
Article content

"The analysis we have done is that the network is perfectly adequate to respond to the needs we have. And thanks to a mix of investment in active and public transit and in territorial planning and densification, we can very well achieve our goals of economic, social and human development without more enlargement of the road network."

Guilbeault also said money spent on asphalt and concrete for road expansions would be better invested in projects that will help fight climate change and adapt to its impacts, the Gazette reported.

To me, this says a few things. First, Mr. Guilbeault is a gentleman of questionable intellect. Not news, sadly.

Second, the federal government might be having some money problems. Highways are expensive, and saying you're not building any more to save Mother Gaia is a great excuse to save the money. Or so a midwit apparently thinks.

Third, a Federal cabinet minister saying something like that out loud indicates a certain desperation to display his virtue in the face of coming doom.

Finally, this man thinks he and his fellow politicians are in charge of "economic, social and human development" in this country. They see all, they know all, they have set the goals and they shall achieve them. No need for new roads, peasants. Your betters have decided how everything is going to be. You will walk, and you will like it.

There used to be this guy in Germany who talked like that. Had a funny mustache, loved dogs.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Hugo schadenfreude, piping hot.

My Hugo mood today.

They say revenge is best served cold, but I like my schadenfreude piping hot. It seems that the WorldCon at Chengdu suffered some irregularities in the voting for the Hugo Award in 2023. How shocking. [This is my shocked face.  o_o ]

The only reason I mention it is because this news made it to the greater world outside the tiny fish bowl of Science Fiction fan-wankery. The weenies at Slashdot noticed this one because it was reported in The Guardian.

The actual crime committed here? I don't care. Seriously, I don't. I haven't read a book since 2019, I think. I just don't read anymore. Because they're awful. Horrendously depressing shite with questionable plots and characters dragged from a landfill.

But for people who do care:

Recently released documents showed that several works or authors – some with links to China – had been excluded from the ballot despite receiving enough nominations to be included on their respective shortlists. The excluded nominees include Kuang and Zhao, authors who were born in China but are now based in the west.
Concerns have been raised that the authors were targeted for political reasons, connected to the fact that the ruling Chinese Communist party exerts a tight control on all cultural events that take place inside its borders.
Dave McCarty, the head of the 2023 Hugo awards jury, wrote on Facebook: "Nobody has ordered me to do anything … There was no communication between the Hugo administration team and the Chinese government in any official manner."

If you look at the documents in question, (which I did, briefly,) it is quite obvious that people with more votes got dropped. There is no question. And there is no explanation forthcoming. Therefore one can only assume the Chinese government told them to drop those winners from the lists, and that WorldCon saluted and dropped them.

The last time I spoke about WorldCon was December 8th, 2021, on the occasion of Jon Del Arroz winning his defamation lawsuit against them. It cost the sons of bitches $100K to call him a racist. Also in that post I mentioned that Chengdu was most likely going to be the location for the 2023 WorldCon, that it would have been basically purchased outright by the Communist Party of China for the price of 800-some-odd supporting memberships, and that the Great SMOFS of WorldCon were going to take the money.

Which they did. And now here we are, after-action report, some guys sold out their hobby for money, some fancy dinners, and maybe a little fun excitement time where maybe pictures got taken they wouldn't want everybody to see. Or maybe not, some of those tools would probably roll over just for a fancy dinner and a little flattery.

Bottom line, Communist China got themselves a nice little propaganda coup here. On the one hand, famous guys like Neil Gaiman got a slap-down. They were all shown that if you don't play nice with the PRC, you don't get to play at all. All of Hollywood is seeing that message today, you better believe it.

You know what she's saying.

And on the other hand, all the little "Middle Managers" and "Cultural Gatekeepers" of the publishing universe were just shown how sweet a deal it is to be friends with the PRC. You get a nice free trip to Chengdu, where they built a whole hotel and a whole event venue brand new, just for you. You get wined and dined by Important People. You get driven around town to see the sights. You maybe get some "company" for your stay if you are an "important" SMOF type, or maybe even just for asking. So many friendly people to pet you and make a fuss.

But the Sad Puppies are the true enemies of life my friends. They're -still- going on about it.