Monday, November 16, 2009
- Mambo Bananapatch said...
Cuba sucks. So does North Korea.
Canada doesn't suck. Canada has problems. You sound like one of those whiny leftists. -
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
- The Phantom said...
Yeah darrel? Ask Dave Brown and Dana Chatwell. Ask Ernie Palmer.
See what they say about it.
This isn't some imagined class warfare bullshit darrell. This is guys getting arrested and tossed in jail, without charge, for -nothing-. No phone call, no lawyer, no screw all. That's what they do in Cuba.
This is going to be -you- getting arrested over nothing eventually. You want to wait for that, or would you like to kill it now while only a few people in one town are getting fucked over? -
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Anonymous said...
So hell yeah Kathy, Canada sucks. No question.No,Ontario sucks.No question.Left there 30 years ago and don't miss a thing. You can have it.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
- Revnant Dream said...
Kathy has a way of taking monumental stupidity & paring it down too its heart.
I'm pretty outraged as well. tell you the truth though Police forces in this Country will not be able to clean house till this festering shame is dealt with pronto.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
greyone40 said...
Came here from SDA.
I lived in Ontario for most of my life before moving away 7 years ago. I never had any involvement in any of these sorts of "protests," but form a distance it appears to me that they are getting worse. As long as justice and the rule of law is turned upside down for these incidents, they will keep happening and getting worse.
Good job by all those bringing this issue to our attention. -
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
- Bob said...
I agree with Anon. The true problems lie with the provincial government led by the only human male on earth drawing breath with no evidence of having a brain or male genitalia.
I can remember when I lived in Ottawa debating with my neighbour about who to vote for, Ernie Eves or Dalton McGuinty. All I said was that if you wanted your provincial income tax to increase, vote for McGuinty. And what was the first thing he did after winning?
The sound of the new health tax hitting Ontarians made the Krakatoa eruption seem like a fart coming out of a gnat's arsehole. -
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Anonymous said...
We need to introduce a piece of legislation that will automatically kick in when protest takes place such as the protest in Caledonia. Might I once again suggest that you take such legislation to parliament asking that the provincial government in conjunction with the Federal government introduce an addendum to the Ipperwash report, (bringing it up to date ,so to speak). Such legisaltion should layout a automatic community compensation package, both for residents and businesses. I say automatic in that certain protest qualifying standards are necessary for such legislation to kick in. My sense is that Caledonia would more than meet any protest qualifications determined. Clearly, based on how the provinical and Federal governments are acting out this current stalemate, aboriginal protest will continue to take place for decades to come. Having said that we need to pursue community compensation, otherwise there will be more bloodshed. My sense is that both levels of government have taken a "let them bring it to court attitude" before they will pay out. Well let me tell you, should these court cases be decided in favour of the plaintiffs then my sense is the province is going to be inundated with lawsuits. We all know that the OPP "laissez faire" attitude regarding the protest is politically rooted. Having said that, I believe both the class action lawsuit and the Brown-Chartwell suit wil uncover the facts and ofcourse invariably will result in (hopefully) substantial compensation. If that is the case then the voting base will understand that to get any real meaningful government assistance, one must sue. Should this prove to be the case I predict much more litiigation will ensue as many have painfully suffered.
Caledonia, Business owner -
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
- The Phantom said...
Greetings Anon. I'd infinitely prefer that the province apply the law, or at the very least not arrest people for defending themselves and their property.
We really don't need another government payola scam, we need cops to do what they are supposed to do, regardless of the race of the people they are doing it to.
Last I looked there's still an illegal smoke shack on Ernie Palmer's front lawn. This is not progress. -
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Just watching said...
Hey Phantom
If you have a problem in your second country, then i suggest you and anyone else who deems they have the right to be on this land return to where your ancestors came from. If you think this is your country, think again. You may be born here, but your ancestral homeland is where ever it is you are from. You need some education on the way your people/governments treated the natives through time, at the beginning it was "be nice" as they learned how to live on this land, they started to do things for themselves, taking what they wanted as they felt. And thats why this world is facing so much crap because of the greed of the invaders. So much to say, i dont have a whole day to write it out, but then again you may not read it anyways. You just want to flap off at the gums and not use your brain to learn. We do not stop learning till the day we die. So learn or leave. -
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
- The Phantom said...
My dear Just Watching, lemme ax you just one little question:
Do you really, really think, in your heart of hearts, that the government of this province or this country is going to give you Brantford?
Because that's what you're talking about here, them giving you Brantford. And Caledonia, Kitchener, Guelph, Paris, and pretty much most of Southern Ontario because of some treaty signed by the King of England 200+ years ago.
Now, if you really, really think they really will give you Brantford if only you burn enough tires on Argyle Street, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to talk to you about.
Oh and by the way, another question for you: if by some miracle the imbeciles of Queens Park did give you Brantford, do you think the people who live there will calmly pack up and move away for you?
If they gave me Oshweken would -you- move?
BTW, if you are 6 Nations then my people (Scotsmen) have been here on the Grand longer than your's. Y'all are IMMIGRANTS, bunky. The real "natives" of this area all died off a long damn time ago, killed by the Algonquins and , gee that's right, the Iroquois. Your guys.
I've got a degree in this shit, my friend. -
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Anonymous said...
my my, you sure have a fowl mouth for such an educated person on this stuff.
Again you show your stupidity. But i wont dwell into that.
You may be correct in the fact that the area the Iroquois or Six Nations as some may call it, along the Grand River was inhabited by other nations. Most notably the Ojibwa.
But the situation is this. The Iroquois was divided in assisting the British or the defectors who wanted to separate from your leaders. (the King/Queen) of England. So some sided for one or the other, so in effect the Iroquois were also fighting against each other. Something that was against their beliefs. They got divided by the invaders, probably been given whiskey to buy them off.
Anyways, the land that was given, and the word is given, to the Iroquois for the loss of their lands in what is called NY state today. The invaders came to this land and set up shop so to speak, they lived in areas that were out of the way, and the people of the Six Nations were unable to monitor the squatting that was happening. Remember, this is almost a million acres of land along the Haldimand Tract. So, now there are people having clear cut the lands and building homes on it, and having families, living there for a number of years growing crops and basically enjoying life.
Then they are found out and the job of the government was to evict these squatters. But the squatters cried, "please sir, we did all this work on clearing the land, building a home and growing crops, we cant start all over again". so, the government official is suckered in and gives the so called squatter an ok to continue to live there. Well time goes by and they have families and they continue to expand with time. They get land title from the government who did not have the right to do so, and along the way, the history to the land is lost and people of today now believe it was theirs from legal procedures. When it was not. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
Now about you saying "the country is going to give you Brantford?" well first, if it was so easy to push the Six Nations around back so many years ago, why is it so hard to do that today with the non natives. It sure seemed ok for the non natives to push the natives off of it. hmmmm i wonder what that is.
Secondly, ok, so maybe the people of Brantford cannot be removed today, well, then, compensation should be made to the Six Nations, you sure would want rent for someone living on your property wouldnt you?????? Or would you say sure go ahead live there, i will not ask you for any payment. If thats the case, i want to move into your place. OK.
And you with your snide remark about selling bridges in Brooklyn. Keep them to yourself, all it does is showing me how much of an ASSumption you make of people and yourself.
Oh before i forget, if you have studied the subject, then tell me this, why is it so easy for the government to set up all kinds of rules/laws and not give the natives an opportunity to rebuke it. Because the government had systems in place that prevented the natives from saying anything against them. Which comes to this common question by the non natives.
"Why did it take them this long to reclaim the land, or fight the government for it." Well, its because there was a law, that stated a native could be jailed for hiring a lawyer to take the government to court, and the lawyer could be disbarred. DID YOU KNOW THAT??? IF YOU DID, Why dont you educate the people, both native and non native about it.
DID YOU KNOW, that the traders made trades with the natives for their furs, and do you know what they got in return, the natives received beautiful blankets, problem was these blankets were infected with small pox or TB.
Ok, so now lets go into a few other things, IT wasnt until hmmm 1960? that the natives would be allowed to vote. Those who vote are suckered in to vote for the foreigners ways. Just like the natives were suckered into believing that Christianity is the way to go. If that is the case, why are there so many wars out there and it is caused by religion. YOUR religions sir.
So many things that i think your educators forgot to tell you, or maybe your government didnt want your educators to teach you. You take your pick.
Hang in, you will one day know the truth. But dont put your neck out too far, because you are going to find that you didnt know all that you thought you knew.
someone who has a better understanding then you -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
Now about you saying "the country is going to give you Brantford?" well first, if it was so easy to push the Six Nations around back so many years ago, why is it so hard to do that today with the non natives. It sure seemed ok for the non natives to push the natives off of it. hmmmm i wonder what that is.
Secondly, ok, so maybe the people of Brantford cannot be removed today, well, then, compensation should be made to the Six Nations, you sure would want rent for someone living on your property wouldnt you?????? Or would you say sure go ahead live there, i will not ask you for any payment. If thats the case, i want to move into your place. OK.
And you with your snide remark about selling bridges in Brooklyn. Keep them to yourself, all it does is showing me how much of an ASSumption you make of people and yourself.
Oh before i forget, if you have studied the subject, then tell me this, why is it so easy for the government to set up all kinds of rules/laws and not give the natives an opportunity to rebuke it. Because the government had systems in place that prevented the natives from saying anything against them. Which comes to this common question by the non natives.
"Why did it take them this long to reclaim the land, or fight the government for it." Well, its because there was a law, that stated a native could be jailed for hiring a lawyer to take the government to court, and the lawyer could be disbarred. DID YOU KNOW THAT??? IF YOU DID, Why dont you educate the people, both native and non native about it.
DID YOU KNOW, that the traders made trades with the natives for their furs, and do you know what they got in return, the natives received beautiful blankets, problem was these blankets were infected with small pox or TB.
Ok, so now lets go into a few other things, IT wasnt until hmmm 1960? that the natives would be allowed to vote. Those who vote are suckered in to vote for the foreigners ways. Just like the natives were suckered into believing that Christianity is the way to go. If that is the case, why are there so many wars out there and it is caused by religion. YOUR religions sir.
So many things that i think your educators forgot to tell you, or maybe your government didnt want your educators to teach you. You take your pick.
Hang in, you will one day know the truth. But dont put your neck out too far, because you are going to find that you didnt know all that you thought you knew.
someone who has a better understanding then you -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
The Phantom said...
Greetings Anon. I'd infinitely prefer that the province apply the law, or at the very least not arrest people for defending themselves and their property.
Ok PHantom, what do you think the people of Six Nations are doing???
They are defending their land(s).
They do not depend on your law(s) because it doesnt work for them.
The government leads them along on a long leash, and time goes by, in the meantime, the land is being devoured (developed) with no regards to the good chance that the land is really the natives.
Just like a greedy person, the foreigner just takes takes takes.
And when they are wrong, they cry cry cry. booo hooo hooo.
Please mr indian, let us live here, and in time we will forget about our promise to you and take take take again.
geesh. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- The Phantom said...
"the people of the Six Nations were unable to monitor the squatting that was happening."
Monitor? You've got to be kidding me, man. They were too busy killing the Neutrals to worry about what the White Man was doing around here. Plus, they were raiding from their HOME in the Finger Lakes. Pre-Revolutionary war we're talking here.
You can tell the Iroquois aren't from here because all the arrowheads and pottery we find in this area is Neutral. Iroquois stuff you find in New York. Its different.
Bottom line, there were Scotsmen farming here a damn sight longer than your lot have been in residence. Historical reality, I'm sorry if it doesn't match the needs of your myths.
I'd go on but I'm busy today. Maybe later. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- Unknown said...
Why is it that the white man has to always do things and say things to show that he is always in the right??? that is a question that has to be answered. Why do you think you, phantom think that you have all the answers, what are you going to do when you find that you were wrong. As it is today, the scholars are back tracking on information that they thought was right, only to find that maybe, well, they know they were wrong about different things. And if you dont believe me. Listen to the news. Every once in a while, you will hear them retract what they believed in. It will happen again and again. So dont go around thinking you know it all. We do not stop learning till the day we die.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
Why is it that the white man has to always do things and say things to show that he is always in the right??? that is a question that has to be answered. Why do you think you, phantom think that you have all the answers, what are you going to do when you find that you were wrong. As it is today, the scholars are back tracking on information that they thought was right, only to find that maybe, well, they know they were wrong about different things. And if you dont believe me. Listen to the news. Every once in a while, you will hear them retract what they believed in. It will happen again and again. So dont go around thinking you know it all. We do not stop learning till the day we die.
Why is it that the white man has to always do things and say things to show that he is always in the right??? that is a question that has to be answered. Why do you think you, phantom think that you have all the answers, what are you going to do when you find that you were wrong. As it is today, the scholars are back tracking on information that they thought was right, only to find that maybe, well, they know they were wrong about different things. And if you dont believe me. Listen to the news. Every once in a while, you will hear them retract what they believed in. It will happen again and again. So dont go around thinking you know it all. We do not stop learning till the day we die. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- The Phantom said...
shawnee (just watching) said: "Why do you think you, phantom think that you have all the answers, what are you going to do when you find that you were wrong."
Well, in my case its because I personally did a bunch of archaeology around here, and I looked at the things I found and other people found. That's the archaeological record of Ontario, not just my personal uninformed opinion.
So if I'm wrong, it'll be pretty surprising. But if I'm wrong, then I'll be proven wrong by new discoveries. That is how science works.
You on the other hand don't have any tangible, physical evidence to support your arguments. So I don't give much weight to people like yourself who make a lot of ruckus but can't back it up with facts.
Furthermore, I have to tell you that while your and other's whinging about multicultural goodness and the evils of the white man may -seem- to be getting you somewhere in Toronto, the truth of the matter is they do not give two shits about you, the Six Nations, or anybody else. They find it convenient to pretend for the moment that your wishes matter to them.
Remember Dana and Dave, the people this whole post was about? The Province just settled that suit. The province bought their house and presumably paid them off a pretty penny. The OPP left those two poor bastards to the tender mercies of... your guys, buddy.
See, here's the thing. Just at the moment McGuinty and the OPP find it politically expedient to ignore organized crime and bad behavior by Indians on the reserve and off it. That will change as more and more suits are brought by the likes of Chatwell and Brown, as voters like myself dismiss Liberals and vote in Conservatives.
Remember how the OPP arrested Garry McHale? Tackled by four big cops, dumped in the dirt, injured, tossed in jail overnight, publicly smeared by government officials, etc. Saw what you like about Garry McHale, he is not a violent guy. So basically he got all that abuse from the cops for walking around running his mouth.
Tell me, what do you think the OPP will do to your guys the moment it becomes politically expedient? We've got car theft rings, illegal smoke shops, smuggling of car parts, guns, drugs and smokes by the thousands of tons across reserve land, we've got armed men shooting people and airing out property on and near the DCE, and etc.
As compared to a fat guy walking around making them look bad. They'll make Oka look like a tea party, is what they'll do. They're cops, that's their thing.
Now, all along here you've been assuming I'm some kind of Indian hating racist, some guy who thinks that kind of outcome would be just great, serve you right. SURPRISE bunky, no. I do not think that would be a good thing.
What I think is that the OPP has become corrupt. I think that the criminal activities on the reserves do not benefit anyone except the few criminals getting filthy, stinking rich off YOUR back. I think that if you want to be a useful idiot for these guys you can go hog wild for all of me, but it isn't going to alter the facts of what's going on, and it isn't going to help you when they come to kick your door down at 3AM some day.
Truthfully I don't have a problem with you. I have a problem with guys who kick doors down at three in the morning. OPP or Warrior Society, I don't see a pinch of difference between them at the moment.
Get it? -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
PHantom, I see, you are trying to justify your right to be on this continent, by stating that the Iroquois do not belong in this area.
so that gives you all the right in the world, hmmmmmm i think your right about being in scotland. So why dont you return? whats wrong with going back there? why stay here if you have such difficulty with the natives, so to speak. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
Phantom you imbecile, you dont get it, you still think that you are right. What do you think the degameaux ? case (however you spell it) indicates that oral tradition is acceptable in court. I will say things have been twisted along the way, and it has to do with your governments, making changes to the way natives live. First, they change the government by pushing a chief and counsel upon the different nations.
What was wrong with the Six Nations way of government, if it was so terrible, why would George Washington base the American Constitution upon the Iroquois government, where do you think all the other constitutions of the world started, from the Iroquois. Why didnt you acknowledge the facts that were indicated about the traders, trading infected blankets for furs. Why dont you talk about the crap that those on the Caledonia side have done that seem to be not spoken about, the burning of sign, the trailer, the smoke shop, the building to the entrance to the land. Why is it so one sided when in regards to the concerns of those in caledonia? Why is it that they continue to replay the ordeal from 06 on CH so often, those who do not live around here think this is happening this day. The way the media and certain people of Caledonia make it sound like there is continually a wild west happening here. Caledonia (mayor and othes) cried about losing so much business, i looked continually of where was their business loss coming from, was it from people from hamilton? brantford? hagersville? caledonia? Six Nations? i found 4 occurrences in the papers that indicated they were losing a huge amount of business from the Six Nations, But would one hear it directly from the Mayor, no, she would only say they are losing business. Well admit to where the business was coming from. Make it known, that it was from the Six Nations.
Phantom, you are so wise, i bow to you. You are such a book person.
I worked in a mine and when changes where made, we on the front line could see if it worked or not, but when we did see something that wasnt going to work, because it was implemented by the educated engineers, they wouldnt listen to us. So, they spent the money and then found out we knew what we were talking about. You are the same way, you dont think far enough ahead.
HAPPY NEW YEAR and all -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- The Phantom said...
Anon, if you're going to post here at least use a handle. Next anon comment gets dumped, got it?
Now, you said: "PHantom, I see, you are trying to justify your right to be on this continent, by stating that the Iroquois do not belong in this area."
If you're going to play this game you're going to have to learn to read what people say. I said the "we were here first" argument was wrong because you were not here first. The Neutrals were, and they are all gone. Scotsmen (and the French, and the English) were here before the Iroquois moved here.
I was born here, same as you were. I have the same right to be here that everyone else who was born here has, including I might add a kid who was born this morning whose mum came here from Bongo Bongo last week. Its called the nation of Canada, and it confers citizenship according to law.
So if you want me to move away to Scotland because you think there's something bad, evil, wrong with people who don't share your skin colour or ancestry, that's your problem not mine. Take it up with Ottawa, they make the rules.
Hope you won't be surprised or upset if I don't go along with the program though eh? I don't like racism. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
- This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
- The Phantom said...
As I said, come up with a handle or post elsewhere. This is not the place for you to rant, this is the place for -me- to rant.
You don't like what I say, nobody is making you read it.
As to the rest of your comments, it all boils down to this: organized crime wants a casino in Caledonia on #6. All this pain flows from that one fact. You want to be a useful idiot for organized crime, don't expect the rest of us to cut you any slack. -
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Anonymous said...
- This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Friday, January 01, 2010
- The Phantom said...
You don't learn do you, anon? I said come up with a handle or be deleted and I meant it. You don't have a right to post here. I decide who posts here, no one else. Welcome to the concept of private property. You're welcome for the free lesson.
Furthermore, I have no interest in talking to you so long as you support the worthless shit-heads who molested Dave and Dana for three years. You are on the dickhead side of the argument buddy, the side that needs to be jailed not talked to. Whether or not you personally are one of the dickheads causing the violence or just a useful idiot I leave up to you, I don't know and I really don't care.
Thankfully I don't have to. You don't have the OPP riot squad backing you up here, do you?
Get a handle or get lost. -
Saturday, January 02, 2010
Anonymous said...
- This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Anonymous said...
- This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sunday, January 03, 2010
- The Phantom said...
Still not learning, anon?
I did read the first line. Nice mouth. I'm wounded to the heart I tells ya.
See, you're the enemy, monkey boy. I don't concern myself with your opinions, I just look for ways to shut your sorry ass down.
As time grinds on, more and more little ways keep cropping up. Pretty soon they will all mount up to your defeat. I'm happy to wait for you morons to put a foot wrong.
Just remember, payback's a bitch. -
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Saw this today at Kathy Shaidle's Five Feet of Fury:
Succinct and to the point, as always Kathy.
The link is to Christie Blatchford's column of the other day in the Blob and Snail regarding Caledonia and the lawsuit presently under way in court. Quoth the Blatch:
This reminded me I had my own little run-in with the OPP that year, June 23 2006, which I mentioned in a comment at Kate McMillan's Small Dead Animals:
The Liberal government of Ontario, the OPP and Chief Fantino have been called to account for the breathtaking failure to do their duty in 2006, and protect Dave Brown and Dana Chatwell, or even to allow they to protect themselves. To this day, nothing has been done for these two. To this day, the illegal occupation continues. To this day, Mohawk "protesters" are running all around the region trying to jack up small towns and businesses in the biggest protection racket since Al Capone. Illegal smoke shacks are springing up weekly in Caledonia on Highway Six, on private property. Otherwise known as the front lawns of retired farmers. Who got charged that time? The FARMER. Ernie Palmer. Look it up.
So hell yeah Kathy, Canada sucks. No question.
The only positive result out of this freak show so far is that nobody has been killed yet. Not for lack of trying mind you, given the heart attack, the several beatings and the Indians trying to run cops over, but still nobody got planted. Way to go, boys.
In closing I should mention I do not blame the rank and file OPP policemen for the ongoing bollocks this is. They do what they are told, as always. I could wish they would be a little more proactive about refusing to follow illegal orders, but realistically they wouldn't have made it through the selection process if they were likely to do that. This is why it is insane to think the police are going to protect you from the monsters. Police protect themselves first, just like everybody else.
The Phantom