Sunday, August 18, 2019

Pi-Hole: network level ad-blocker.

Somebody mentioned this Raspberry Pi project over at Monster Hunter International today, so I looked it up and it is pretty nice.

Basically this uses a Raspberry Pi computer as a DNS server to suck up all the advertisements that infest everything we do on the internet. Its a free project, runs on the cheapest possible hardware, and it apparently blocks ads like a boss. I bought a new Raspi-4 yesterday, this is a perfect project to run on it. I'm going to give it a whirl and report back on results later. (Could be much later, there's a ton of work going on here at Chez Phantom lately.)

In the mean time, here's a pretty complete video of the project from Adafruit.

The Phantom


WiFi Lunchbox Guy said...

Also, make sure your have email not under Goggle control, as they have modded their infrastructure for SJW exploitation.

Orvan Taurus said...

There is Good Reason I've been migrating accounts AWAY from Gmail.

WiFi Lunchbox Guy said...

Speaking of blockage, here's something that may get blocked Real Soon Now, so grab a copy!

WiFi Lunchbox Guy said...

Imma put up a link, for no reason whatsoever.