Thursday, January 19, 2023

From my cold, dead kitchen...

The full-court press to scare people about a perfectly safe kitchen appliance found in nearly 40 percent of U.S. homes and a ubiquitous feature of restaurants nationwide has been years in the making and is part of a carefully cultivated campaign.

Long story short, this is an example of Leftists using the same techniques from gun control in a different subject area. As laid out in the article, a few Lefty propagandists at UCLA, Stanford, the Rocky Mountain Institute and the Sierra Club are providing scary-looking statistics so that Leftist politicians in New York State and Los Angeles can have a shot at banning the use of fossil fuels in your house.

So no, gas stoves do not cause 12.7% of childhood asthma as claimed recently by the Rocky Mountain Institute. Just the same as a gun in your home does not double your risk of becoming a victim of homicide, as claimed by some asshole in the Annals of Internal Medicine. And no, electric induction stoves are not "better" than gas stoves. That's another pile of bullshit propped up by the same propaganda campaign.

Same assholes, same lies, different subjects.


Chris in PTBO said...

They're only going with what works. It seems that we enjoy being lied constantly lied to.

MrGarabaldi said...


Same reason they want us to use electric cars, limited use...easy to cut off if we "misbehave".

btw I saw your blog off MHI