Sunday, July 14, 2024

Day after: questions.

Yesterday, as we all know by now, one 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, PA missed killing Donald Trump by maybe a quarter inch. Given what we've seen from the videos, and there's a literal photo of the bullet flying past him, another quarter inch to the left would have killed him. No need to go into gory details, I'll just leave it at that.

Leaving us all with some questions.

My first question, at what point does official incompetence become something more sinister? We already know eye-witnesses told police Crooks was on that roof easily two to three minutes before he took the shot. We already have pictures of him lying there lining up his shot, being given all the time in the world, only 150yards from the podium. How is that reasonable? Are they really that lame?

No, they're not. This is a special case, IMHO sitting here behind my keyboard with my gatorade. They can't be that lame by accident, is my thought. Somebody degraded Trump's Secret Service detail, and somebody did a bunch of site planning to get Crooks on that roof. He didn't stumble on the idea while driving by with a ladder and a rifle in his truck. Maybe Crooks planned it himself, but does that seem likely?

My second question, at what point do we all admit that this is a Leftist political policy? They've been demonizing Trump since 2016, they did it to Bush Sr. and Jr., they did it to Regan. The media has been trying to brainwash Thomas Matthew Crooks and every other 20 year old in the country SINCE THE 1980s!!!! And now here we are. There's a bunch more like him out there, primed and ready to pop. All you have to do is watch tiktok today, they're screaming it. Hundreds of them. It's a fucking social movement by now, not a lone-wolf deal.

Final question, well, you missed boys. What's next? Whatcha gonna do? Send some more useful idiots to whack the Republican presidential nominee? Release the hounds to burn some cars? I don't think you're winning this time. Joke's over.

Fire up the corporate jets and flee, is my advice. Cuba is nice, or so I hear. Decent beaches, right? Di di mau, baby.

Uppitydate: Here we are on the 17th, and it seems the shooter was fucking around with that rifle on the roof for quite some time in plain view of everybody. I heard one estimate that it was over 20 minutes. Certainly more than five.

What this means is that Trump's security detail LEFT HIM OUT THERE for a long time when they could plainly see a guy on that roof where he was not supposed to be. Okay, they didn't want to shoot the guy, but they couldn't get Trump off the stage? Shooter on the roof, in plain fucking sight, of everybody, and they left their guy standing on the stage like a perfect target?

There was time for a cop to RUN over to Trump and get him off the stage. Like, lots of time. Time for a coffee and a donut, and the fat guy could still run over.

Just looking at that, I'm going to say that somebody needs to go to jail here. Starting with the site commander, and whoever gave that moron the job.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

from the "Military Intelligence is a contradiction" files: German Navy seeks replacement for 8" floppy drives.

In case anyone ever wonders how bad tempered, militant, conservative-minded, traditionalist Phantom came to hate the Canadian military at age 17, and continues to hold the world-wide military as a whole in contempt to this day, an example.

The German Navy is searching for a new storage system to replace the aging 8-inch (20cm) floppy disks which are vital to the running of its Brandenburg class F123 frigates. According to an official tender document, the ideal answer to the German Navy's problems would be a drop-in floppy disk replacement based upon a storage emulation system, reports Germany's Brandenburg class F123 frigates were commissioned in the mid 1990s, so it is understandable that floppy disks were seen as a handy removable storage medium. These drives are part of the frigates' data acquisition system and, thus "central to controlling basic ship functions such as propulsion and power generation," according to the source report.

A tiny bit of background for those of you under 60, the eight inch floppy disk (8") was current computer technology in the 1970s. Introduced for mini-computers in 1971 by IBM, carried 500K of data, and it was popular. Eventually discontinued in favor of the 5.25" and later the 3-1/2", by the 1980s just in time for PCs. Here's a website that some guy put up about playing with 8" drives.

So the German fricking navy standardized on 8" floppies in the late 1970s and never changed it for 50 years? Oh no. It is -much- worse than that.

Germany's Brandenburg class F123 frigates were commissioned in the mid 1990s, so it is understandable that floppy disks were seen as a handy removable storage medium. These drives are part of the frigates' data acquisition system and, thus "central to controlling basic ship functions such as propulsion and power generation," according to the source report.

Their frigates were built in the 1990s with tech from the 1970s that was already wildly, horribly obsolete. For which spare parts have not been made for 30 years, because they were already past end-of-life when the ship was built. Every computer on that boat, taken together, could be replaced with a single Apple iWatch. You could run the whole thing from your phone, and still be able to watch cat videos on YouTube.

But the worst part is that for-sure the engineers all knew that very well when the thing was built, and they fucking well did it anyway.

Later in the article it is revealed that the American Strategic Air Command system ran on 8" floppies until they finally fixed it in 2019. You know, the guys that babysit the nukes? Yeah.

I can only imagine the shit that's lurking in the Canadian military, still running on IBM and DEC big iron boxes from the 1970s.

And that, my friends, is why I hold the Western military as a whole in contempt. They are lazy, short-sighted, corrupt, and above all, they are stupid. I can only imagine the freak show that the Chinese and Russian military is.