Friday, August 07, 2020

Self defense now illegal in Canada? Almost...

This is not Sparta. In Canada, you better let them take it.

The Supreme Court of Canada will hear an appeal in the case of Peter Khill, a Hamilton-area homeowner who was acquitted after shooting and killing an Indigenous man in his driveway.
Khill's lawyers filed an application to appeal an Ontario Court of Appeal ruling that overturned their client's not-guilty verdict in the death of Jon Styres based on self-defence and ordered a new trial.

So first of all, we have the Ontario Court of Appeal overturning a jury verdict. The point of having a jury is that the citizens decide what is murder and what is self defense. This man was found innocent of murder by a jury. That's supposed to be the end of it.

Dirty little secret about Canada for all you foreigners out there, if this truck thief who got killed had been a white guy, this verdict would have stood. But because he was an Indian truck thief, aka "an Indigenous man" per the CBC, a jury is not smart enough for this case. No, we need the super-powerful minds of Appeals Court judges on this job.

Michael Lacy and Jeff Manishen argued that the Appeal Court's decision "fundamentally" changed self-defence in Canada and leaves homeowners with little option but to call police and cower until they arrive.

Which is absolutely true. If you injure or kill a home invader, rapist, car thief, or so much as point a weapon at a guy who is trying to burn your fucking house down with a molotov coctail, you are screwed. The cops will arrest you, throw your ass in jail, confiscate all your property, and you will be very fortunate to regain your freedom after spending about half a million dollars on lawyers.

If your house and contents are worth less than a million bucks, it will be cheaper and more survivable for you to run away barefoot in your underwear and let them burn it. Some guy is stealing your truck? Let him take it.

Okay? I've been saying this for quite a while now as an assumption based on my observation of police behavior here in Canada, but now the Ontario Court of Appeal has made it official. You BETTER NOT defend yourself or your property, slaves.

Update: Welcome all you Small Dead Animals and flying monkeys from Kate's zoo.


Orvan Taurus said...


Shoot (or whatever).
Shovel (or dump - like to the hogs).

That third one is critical.
It's not for Twitter, Facebook, etc.
And NEVER brag.
Think of it more as the most embarrassing thing ever, that you'd NEVER tell even your best friend.

Fwiw, NOT the Voice of Experience. (Thankfully)
Just.. a bit of forethought.

The Phantom said...

That's the danger we face, for sure. I'd sooner not see that sort of thing becoming SOP.

Robin Munn said...

Have you reached the point where you're ready to pull up stakes and move somewhere that's still free? Texas isn't perfect right now, but it's a darn sight better than anywhere else I know of, at least anywhere English-speaking. (Poland sounds pretty good sometimes).

Anonymous said...

Judicial dictatorship, just as Peeair Trudeau and the LIberal Party designed and imposed without consent from the governed, the Liberal way.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

The process, Sir Phantom, is the punishment. It is an exercise to remind the proles that they are in charge and not you. If you believe that your liberty is in your own hands, that would diminish their power over you.

bobby said...

So, SDA sent me here, and lo and behold I find a blog I can read - avidly - because it's well-written and smart and entertaining.

And then I become dismayed because I look back over the posts and . . . you haven't posted much lately.

So, if you promise to post more, I promise to read it all.

(Oooo, what a deal. I'm offering you, like, $zero to work harder. I wouldn't even take that deal. But, still, post more! I like it!)

Anonymous said...

Does this now mean, the citizens who are unjustly dragged through this process, can now attack these incompetent judges for making low IQ decisions without said judges defending themselves? Should they not be the first to experience the consequence of their own foolishness?

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Why, thank you, bobby.

Life has been both chaotic and dull lately. I shall try.


The Phantom said...

Greetings all,

bobby, if you want to pay money to read me I have a book out:

There's little-to-no politics in it, but there are robot girlfriends and tanks with gun diameters measured in feet, so you'll probably like it. ~:D

Robin Munn, re: Texas, from what I see going on in Arizona and the rest of the Southwest y'all are maybe 10 years behind me. Plenty of places in the USA have a "requirement to retreat" before self defense in considered reasonable. That -will- be happening in Texas without a serious push from citizens.

Osumashi, have you seen the rioting and burning stuff going on in Caledonia today? I live around there, there are cops all over the place and helicopters too. Its a mess.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

No, I have not.

I'm surprised that the cops still have a presence there and have not been frightened off.

Osumashi Kinyobe said...

Anonymous, one might think that but, no.

Judges are judicial activists, another wing of the plutocracy.