Saturday, May 25, 2019

Crossfit quits Facebook, Instagram: "utopian socialists"

This is going to leave a mark.

CrossFit, the branded workout regimen, accused Facebook of being "utopian socialists" and left the platform after the social network deleted a group dedicated to a diet.
The move to quit both Facebook and Instagram came in the wake of the decision to delete "without warning or explanation the Banting7DayMealPlan," a group that advocated a diet aimed at eating "food that is as close to its natural state as possible — free from processing, additives, preservatives and sugar."

Down at the bottom comes the good part:

The company then added that "Facebook's news feeds are censored and crafted to reflect the political leanings of Facebook's utopian socialists while remaining vulnerable to misinformation campaigns designed to stir up violence and prejudice."

For a company like Crossfit to quit social media is quite a big deal. One wonders where they'll find their advertising. But apparently they are not only dissatisfied with the advertising power available, they are also being censored.

Who on earth is stupid enough to censor their own customers?
The people who pay them? California SJWs, that's who.

The stampede away from social media begins.

Update: Welcome, Instapundit! Thanks for the linkage, Sarah Hoyt!


Joe in PNG said...

Facebook is pretty much mostly either poorly researched political memes (from both right and left), or Multi-Level Marketing schemes. The end will come when the two inevitably combine.

The Phantom said...

Facebook is a fucking spy ring inside your house.

WiFi Lunchbox Guy said...

Why would Farcebook advocate a "natural diet" when mass starvation cures all dietary ils...

Anonymous said...

Facebook was established the SAME day that the CIA's Life Log program was 'discontinued'. Coincidence?

megapotamus said...

FB also games their interaction stats.

Joe in PNG said...

"Facebook is a fucking spy ring inside your house."
Even Orwell would have a hard time believing that people would willingly carry a telescreen with them, AND happily self report on everything they are doing.