Monday, July 25, 2016

19 dead in attack outside Tokyo Japan.

In the Daily Mail today, a report that a man killed 19 people and wounded 45.

  • Attacker storms into centre for the disabled near Tokyo
  • Police were called to the scene at around 2.30am local time in Sagamihara
  • At least 19 people were killed and reports that a further 45 were injured  
  • Officers arrested a man, 26, after he walked into a station and said 'I did it'
  • Suspect reportedly said: 'I want to get rid of the disabled from this world' 

Basically this asshole strolled into an assisted living facility and killed or tried to kill everybody he could get his hands on, until he got tired and left on his own. He attacked little old men and little old ladies, cripples, the demented, and so forth. No reason for it, he just did it.

How do you stop something like that from happening? Because it seems shit like this goes on in Japan pretty much all the time. Two or three times a year, some guy goes off like that and kills a bunch of people.

I have an opinion, of course. Maybe arming the night nurse and a couple of assistants would not be the worst thing in the world. But my opinion is stupid and crazy, or so I'm constantly told.

The reason I post this is you're not going to hear about it anywhere else. It will be up on Drudge another day, then disappear. Why? Because it doesn't forward the peacenik agenda. It is however a perfect example of the random terrorist attack. No warning, no plan, no possibility of advance notice.

Oh, and no gun. Perfect example of Japanese gun control laws working. The attacker was gun-free, and so was everybody else in the place. 19 dead, 45 wounded. One guy.

Hence, my opinion.

The Phantom


Anonymous said...

How do you stop something like that from happening? Because it seems shit like this goes on in Japan pretty much all the time. Two or three times a year, some guy goes off like that and kills a bunch of people.


Ços, you know, the last time a rampage killer was actually recorded in Japan was 2008.

Perhaps you'd care to mention ten or so Japanese spree killers from the last decade for us.

Do you EVER get tired of spouting off something stupid?


The Phantom said...

People get murdered in Japan all the time. If you read the article, at the bottom after mentioning that Japan has a "low crime rate" it goes on to mention other random shit that goes on.

No, Japan is not as bad as Detroit or Chicago. And yet, one guy managed to rack up a respectable body count all by himself with a few steak knives.

So, RDF, since you are clearly SO much more intelligent and nuanced than I, how about addressing the POINT of the post instead of nitpicking little details, hmm?

What's your solution, big guy? What's your plan? Knife control?

Hilariously, Japan already has fucking knife control. That's why I posted this. Tokyo also has aluminum baseball bat control, because aluminum bats are a favorite weapon among the gang-banger set. They switched to wood.

So, what you got?

rdf said...

People get murdered in Japan all the time. a rate roughly a tenth that of the US, per capita.

No, Japan is not as bad as Detroit or Chicago. And yet, one guy managed to rack up a respectable body count all by himself with a few steak knives.

Indeed. Which is why sane people look at the overall picture and pay attention to statistics. You DO know the difference between anecdotes and data, right?

So, RDF, since you are clearly SO much more intelligent and nuanced than I, how about addressing the POINT of the post instead of nitpicking little details, hmm?

I did. Your comments can be ignored because you are not operating from reality.

i, You stated : " Because it seems shit like this goes on in Japan pretty much all the time. Two or three times a year, some guy goes off like that and kills a bunch of people.

ii, You were wrong. I showed this.

iii, And now you're trying to skate over the fact that your entire fucking post was built on a stupid failure to grasp reality.

What's your solution, big guy? What's your plan? Knife control?

You're asking me for a solution that will fix all crime forever? Don't have one.

However, I can say fairly well that when you have one country with a homicide rate (0.3 per 100,000 as of 2011) about A TENTH that of another country (3.9 per 100,000 as of 2014), you'd have to be some kind of a moron to claim the former should adopt the tactics of the latter to lower the homicide rate.

And if you do that on the basis of a single incident then you narrow down the type of moron you are (

And if, in the process of doing that, you casually spout something completely at odds with reality (i.e. Japan and spree killers), you also demonstrate that not only are you a moron (i.e. suffering from cognitive deficits), you're a fool (i.e. choosing to suffer from correctable ignorance).

Being a moron is excusable. Being a fool really isn't. And you're both.

The Phantom said...

Well now, I seem to have stepped on your last nerve. Awesome!

Here we have a situation where one guy kills 19 people and mangles 45 people. I ask what's to be done about things like this, given that all the other things that have already been done have resulted in 19 dead, 45 wounded.

Summing up, your answer is that I'm an asshole, and I need to shut up. No surprise there.

I take this to mean that you find the question threatening to your worldview. Which is good, from what I can see it could use a bit of threatening.

Reality is, my little friend, that in gun controlled, knife controlled Japan, where even bats are regulated and everyone minds their Ps and Qs, there's -nothing- stopping a determined individual from killing as many people as he wants. Furthermore, though rare, people wanting to do that really do exist. Even in super peaceful Japan where government controls every fucking thing.

The other threatening bit of Reality(tm) is that buddy killed a lot of people with a steak knife. More than most shootings. The constant carping of individuals like yourself that guns are the most dangerous weapon ever, and enable these high body counts, and that the gun alone is what makes these mass killings possible... well, that's just not true, is it?

The Phantom said...

Incidentally I don't bother arguing data with you people anymore. You forfeited the right to my time and effort decades ago.

Remember the Assault Weapon ban of the 1990'? I do. I was there. Nobody on your side of the fence gave a fuck about statistics then, and you still don't. You just keep telling the same lies, over and over and over. Hillary is out there today, telling them again.

Figures lie, liars figure.

If you want to see data, just spend a little while cruising this blog and you'll see more of it than you can shake a stick at. None of it agrees with you, and none of it will make any difference. You are a True Believer, you are not subject to rationality or facts. You just pretend to be, when it suits you.