Friday, March 15, 2024

Metro Toronto Police: huddle and cower, peasants.

I am not making this up. Metro Toronto Police have issued a statement advising homeowners to "leave their car keys by the front door" so that car thieves can take them and go when they break in.

This is because there are car thieves armed with guns, kicking in people's front doors and SHOOTING THEM to get the car keys and steal the car in the driveway.

To repeat, MTO suggests you leave the keys handy so the ARMED CRIMINALS won't kill you in your home. Because they would never stick around for a little rape-and-murder action if you give them the car, right? That could never happen, I'm sure.

It isn't like the federal government has allowed over a million unvetted refugees from violent failed states into Canada over the last year or so, and it isn't like the cops function as catch-and-release fishermen these days. Oh, wait...

In other news, suburban homes in and around Ancaster, sleepy town outside Hamilton, have begun sporting iron fences around the front yard, with gates across their driveways.

Just wondering how long the Normies are going to be able to pretend everything is fine. I'm thinking the third time they get mugged/have their car stolen they'll probably wake up. Once is an accident, twice is happenstance, three times is enemy action, right?

Update: Anybody remember Peter Khill? Supreme Court of Canada put him in jail after he was acquitted by a jury for the crime of shooting an Indian in self-defense.

Uppitydate: Anybody remember Ian Thompson? Charged with two counts of "unsafe storage of a firearm" after running off FOUR armed men who were firebombing his house.

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