Friday, December 07, 2018

Muy caliente: Occasionally-Cortex goes full Stazi!

Not content with saying stupid shit about Glowball Warming and nationalizing private companies, Alexandria Occasionally-Cortex confirms all our worst fears about socialists. She threatened to subpoena Donald Trump Jr., a private citizen, because he posted a spicy meme about her.

Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatened to use the powers of her elected office to retaliate against Donald Trump Jr. on Friday after the president's son posted a meme trolling her on his personal Instagram account.
"I have noticed that Junior here has a habit of posting nonsense about me whenever the Mueller investigation heats up," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. "Please, keep it coming Jr - it's definitely a "very, very large brain" idea to troll a member of a body that will have subpoena power in a month. Have fun!"

The meme is a great one, incidentally. Picture of Occasionally-Cortex with the question: "Why are you so afraid of a socialist economy?" Picture of Donald Trump Sr. with the answer: "Because Americans want to walk their dogs, not eat them."

Again, this is not because Occasionally-Cortex is an idiot. It is because that's what her idiot New York City followers want to see in her Twitter feed. I can see them sitting in bars downtown, showing this tweet to each other and yelling "You go, girl!"

They don't understand that a government official who can and will send cops to you house because you posted a meme is a bad thing. Occasionally-Cortex is like a zoo-keeper, feeding outrage pellets to the monkeys so they'll put on a good show for her.

The Phantom

Update: Welcome vast horde of Instapundit!


  1. This is funny until Occasional-Cortex DOES supeana Don Jr, and the Democrat controlled House, instead of slapping her down, awards her the Black Shirt of the Revolution award.

  2. C.S.Lewis, in The Screwtape Letters, wrote that Satan's greactest victory is that he rendered himself an object of ridicule: horns, pointy tail, red suit 'n all. American Socialism's greatest victory may be that AOC's utterances serve that purpose, while the serious players go about the deadly business of our subjugation.

  3. Occasionally-Cortex is like a zoo-keeper, feeding outrage pellets to the monkeys so they'll put on a good show for her.
    And then they fling the poo that is a natural result of eating......

  4. Because cracking down on dissent is what you do when you are a Socialist.
