Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Lefty receives death threats, oh the humanity...

This is something kind of new. I don't recall seeing this type of thing played out in quite this way before.

The LGBT news website INTO has removed the byline for an opinion piece accusing Ariana Grande's new music video "thank u, next" of being "anti-queer" after the writer of the story received death threats.
"We have decided to remove the author's name from this piece after the editorial team was alerted that a high number of death threats were being made against the writer as a result of the opinions presented in this piece," read an editor's note affixed to the top of the article.

Some Usual Suspect SJW writer delivers the expected "That's Anti-Gay!!!" tirade against a new and very popular music video by very popular singer, and the unexpected happens! People, instead of accepting that this sort of thing is the New Normal, are pissed off. They vent their rage on the web site in the New Normal fashion, with death threats. "Ah'mina killz ya!"

Web site management is super surprised by this, removes the author's name. I guess it never happens when they call Taylor Swift and Lady Gaga videos racist/bigoted/homophobic.

This is two brand new things happening in two weeks. The Middle Class rioting in France and forcing the government to back the hell down off their shiny new fuel tax, and now pop music fans telling Lefties to shut the fuck up about their diva.

The death threat thing, I'm unimpressed. I know people who get blood-curdling death/torture/rape rape threats every day. Conservative women receive that shit all the time, they still post their by-lines and tell the little Threat Fairies to come and get them. Milo Yiannopoulos had a mob try to burn down a building trying to get at him in Berkeley. Jordan Peterson gets internet death threats all the time, and has been mobbed and de-platformed at venues in boring-ass Canada.
Even I, your humble host, have things like this said about me out there in Internetz Land: "...the deep searing hatred of free speech, free association and freedom of ideas reveals itself every time." Way to go, floppy camel dork.

But for a gay mafia site to get mobbed, that's new. This is a sign that a segment of young people may have had enough of the gay mafia. Unlike Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande is popular with the Diverse kids, meaning those who tan. That particular group has never bought in to the LGBTQFBICIAKGB agenda. Previously they've settled for writing rude things in the bathrooms of the nation with magic markers, but now maybe they're tired of it.
This is how these popular movements go, you know. They slide along in the grass roots for a long time, kind of simmering away, nobody talks about it but everybody is thinking it. Then some little thing happens, and suddenly half the population of France is tearing down the Arc De Triumph. Or Donald Trump gets elected President of the USA.

Update: Welcome Instapundit horde!


  1. Wait...that's a quote from *floppy*?

    I've had it explained to me, sincerely and by someone I know personally so not a random pretend internet person, that the only reason for Free Speech is that people want to say hateful things. THAT is the far left prog SJW standard. Announce a rally for Free Speech and the progressives who show up aren't there for the rally, they're there to shut it down because everyone KNOWS what the code words "Free Speech" really mean. Amiright?

    So floppy is pretending that, you know, someone who'd call him "floppy", is opposed to freedom of speech?

  2. Yep. floppy cameltron. I'm a hatey hatin' hater, that's right fer shur.

    He's out of his everlovin' mind, that boi.

  3. The left finds such common cause with Islam that they are willing to overlook their doctrines against deviant sexual practices. It is an understatement to say that Islam is anti-queer.

    And what would that common cause incorporate? A hatred of the God of the Bible, of anyone who obeys and follows His word, and a hatred even of those who have the remnant of the founding Anglo-Saxon Protestant culture.

    — theBuckwheat

  4. "This is how these popular movements go, you know. They slide along in the grass roots for a long time, kind of simmering away, nobody talks about it but everybody is thinking it. Then some little thing happens, and suddenly half the population of France is tearing down the Arc De Triumph. Or Donald Trump gets elected President of the USA."

    Heh, heh. Love this blog.

  5. I've read just one post and three comments, and I also now love this blog. And I am an old fart.

  6. Welcome to the old fart club, gerry. ~:D You know what they say, it ain't the years its the mileage.
