Sunday, January 28, 2018

Conservatives are Evil, scientific proof!

Okay fine, they didn't come right out and say "evil".


Physical attractiveness is an important social factor in our daily interactions. Scholars in social psychology provide evidence that attractiveness stereotypes and the "halo effect" are prominent in affecting the traits we attribute to others. However, the interest in attractiveness has not directly filtered down to questions of political behavior beyond candidates and elites. Utilizing measures of attractiveness across multiple surveys, we examine the relationship between attractiveness and political beliefs. Controlling for socioeconomic status, we find that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative, and identify as Republican. These findings suggest an additional mechanism for political socialization that has further implications for understanding how the body intertwines with the social nature of politics.

What lies beneath the gobbledygook?

The scholars said hot people lean towards the right because they grow to develop a blind spot that leads them to not see the need for more government support or aid in society - a core liberal value.

They add that attractive people don't face the same hurdles as others as their attractiveness gains them more attention and they are more successful in social situations. Their lives are generally "easier," the pair claim.

Yes that's right. These scholars assert that because life is easier if you're pretty, the pretty people have no conception that anyone might need government support.

Published by the Cambridge University Press, no less.

The Phantom

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