Thursday, February 11, 2016

No Twitter for you!

It seems that Twitter has discovered the fun and frolic available in silencing one' s political opponents. Oh, joy.

The folks running Twitter may be too young to have heard of George Orwell, or perhaps they simply do not care that their new advisory council sounds frighteningly Orwellian. Either way, the brand new "Twitter Trust and Safety Council" seems like a board ready to censor comments in deference to political correctness.

It doesn't help that among the more than 40 organizations that make up the council, one finds such groups as the "Dangerous Speech Project," a group with ties to the liberal John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and to financier George Soros' Open Society Institute.

Another council member is GLAAD, formerly an acronym for the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (the organization now goes by just its initials). Feminist Frequency, which also seeks to monitor free speech, is another member of the council.

The council does include some groups that appear to do good work preventing cyber-bullying against the young. Absent, however, are any conservative-leaning groups.

Emphasis mine.

Diversity, you see, does not include conservatives. Just so we are all clear.

The Phantom

1 comment:

  1. @Nero, @voxday and @Cernovich are on record as saying they're ready for the platform to die.

    In other news, @Nero says that Facebook is censoring stuff on Angela Merkel's request.
