Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Duh alert... Media company execs are MORONS.

This just kills me.  Check it out:

The rapid adoption of tablet computers like iPad has not reversed the slide in paying customers for news, as many media company executives had hoped the devices would.

Are you kidding me? There are actually executive corner office types who were doofus enough to think that the -shape- of the computer people surf on would change their willingness to pay for something they can get for free?

"When it was launched, many observers believed that the tablet might help change the experience of news consumers and the economic ground rules of digital news consumption," writes the authors of the Pew Research Center report. "That belief was based on the sense that people would consume information on tablets largely through special applications or apps that provide content from a favorite news organization like the New York Times or one's local newspaper." The survey showed more than 70 percent still use the web browser or a combination of the web and apps to get their news. Just a fifth of tablet users use apps as their primary source for news.

Truly, there are some guys out there living in Fantasy Land. The reason nobody is willing to pay for the "news" is that it ain't NEWS.  Its propaganda for the American DemocRat party and obviously so. The whole blogosphere basically exists as a fact check on the "news". Furthermore nobody wants to live in the walled garden of the Apple Ap-store when the whole web is sitting there free to surf.

Sell that media stock my friends.  Those companies are dead ducks walking.

The Phantom.


  1. "The whole blogosphere basically exists as a fact check on the "news". "

  2. There are actually executive corner office types who were doofus enough to think that the -shape- of the computer people surf on would change their willingness to pay for something they can get for free?

    Remember the "media convergence" meme from the late 1990's/early noughts? A lot of computer industry types thought computers would turn into passive media consumption devices, and they sold this premise to various media conglomerates. Also, e-books finally took off, so (to them) it was logical this would re-float the MSM's boat...somehow.

    The reason nobody is willing to pay for the "news" is that it ain't NEWS.

    Well, the MSM can no longer claim to have a monopoly of knowledge. That's what makes "news" NEWS.

  3. You have that soooooo right.
