Wednesday, April 02, 2008

How to tell who you're messing with.

Kate over at Small Dead Animals has posted a shot of some Lefty bloggers. I never heard of most of them, frankly. But the interesting thing is this could be any office party. Couple girls, bunch of guys, no distinguishing characteristics that would make you think "Lefties!!!!" Not even a Che t-shirt.

For that I think you'd have to go around the front of the house and see what they drove up in.
Couple of these:

Couple of those:

Couple of these:

Couple of those:

You get the idea.

This here's the kind thing that shows up in front of a Conservative picnic.

Or possibly:

It's not a value judgment, I'm just sayin'. ~:D



    Not quite as big as yours, but good enough for two humans and a dog - Holdfast

  2. Hey, its the thought that counts, right? ~:D

  3. The non-conformist side of me wants a Smart car...didn't think it would line me up with lefties!...


  4. Smart Cars can be cool, but only if you yank all the guts out and shove in a Hayabusa engine.
